A zee for Kingston

Staff at Kingston Hospital with their new Artis zee are (from left) consultant radiologist Dr Zbynek Stetina, Siemens regional sales manager Malcolm Pickering, radiology sister Lucy Miller, superintendent radiographer Amanda Kenevin, lead interventional clinician Dr Michael Lynch, Siemens cardiac angiography product specialist Nichola Yates; radiology staff nurse Kelly Vintiner.
The radiology department at Kingston Hospital NHS Trust has installed an Artis zee MP interventional imaging system for peripheral angiography and angioplasty procedures.
However the advanced imaging capabilities of the Artis zee MP mean that it will also be used for testicular vein and uterine artery embolisation, vertebroplasty, renal and hepatobiliary work.
The new system has made it possible to do three angiograms in the time it previously took to do two. This enables staff to organise their days more efficiently and the department has capacity for a greater number of patients. It has also allowed the radiology department to offer new services, including Hickman Line insertions.
Two radiation reducing features benefit the Artis zee. Careposition allows radiographers to accurately position the patient without using radiation by means of last image hold and virtual positioning. Carevision permits the use pulsed fluoroscopy as low as 0.5p/s, as opposed to continuous screening.
A full report is published on page 28 of the March 2009 issue of RAD Magazine.