At Morriston Hospital are, from left, consultant radiologist Dr Vijay Sawlan, GE Healthcare MR specialist Sean Keefe, MR superintendent Gareth Evans, superintendent radiographer Jayne Slee and senior radiographer Barry Spedding.
Morriston Hospital, Swansea, have taken delivery of an Optima MR450w MRI scanner from GE Healthcare.
MR superintendent Gareth Evans said: “We have immediately realised the benefits for patients and staff. The wide bore enables us to accommodate much larger patients with less failure from claustrophobia and the combined head and spine coil means less lifting of patients and coils.
“The radiologists are very satisfied with the quality of the images to such an extent that we no longer do any orthopaedic work on our 3.0T scanner and at the same time we have been able to take pressure off the 3.0T by carrying out spectroscopy on the wide bore.”See the full report on page 24 of the October 2011 issue of RAD Magazine.