Dr Katherine van Ree from Charing Cross Hospital is presented with her award by Dr Nick Screaton, BSTI chairman and consultant radiologist at Papworth Hospital, Cambridge.  Her winning paper was entitled, “Do patients undergoing US-guided lung biopsy require a post-procedure chest radiograph?”


Toshiba Medical Systems sponsored the prize for the best scientific paper presented at the recent meeting of the British Society of Thoracic Imaging (BSTI), held in Birmingham.   The society is a special interest group affiliated to the Royal College of Radiologists.


On the agenda were topics including a discussion on BSTI research strategy, led by Dr Fergus Gleeson of Churchill Hospital Oxford, and a scientific session chaired by Dr Sue Copley of Hammersmith Hospital, London.   Dr Copley also presented on “Imaging asbestos-related chest disease.”


See the full report on page 21 of the April 2011 issue of RAD Magazine.

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