Castle Hill Hospital install second MRI scanner

Pictured, from left, are cross-sectional speciality manager Nicola Webster, GE Healthcare diagnostic imaging account manager Peter Hobson,  radiology account manager Tim Jones, consultant neuroradiologist Dr Richard Bartlett, MRI section manager Alison Thackeray, MRI radiographer Carol Baker and service manager for imaging and medical physics Martine Nutman.


Hull and East Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust was among the first in the country to take delivery of a GE Optima MR450W MRI scanner.


Equipped with the latest software package, the GE system is based at Castle Hill Hospital, which already has a 1.5T scanner installed.  The suite was originally built for two scanners and, says GE, this new scanner is a welcome addition.


See the full report on page 24 of the August 2011 issue of RAD Magazine.

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