Cath lab upgrade for Lancashire

In front are cardiology EP technician Ellen Moxon, staff nurses Ann Wareing and Rhys McCleary, superintendent radiographer Julie Kelsall, orderly Andy Fraser and sister Karen Jackson. Behind them are staff nurse Darren Spruce, radiographer Iain Binmore, sister Jenni Banks, radiographers Deborah Forsyth, Lisa Smith and Paul Redman, Philips UKI service delivery manager North West and Midlands Craig Butterworth and former modality specialist Simon Wilsdon.

Lancashire Cardiac Centre, based at Blackpool Victoria Hospital, has refurbished two of its cath labs with AlluraClarity FD10/10 biplane cardiovascular systems from Philips UKI.  The hospital is part of Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust and its new labs joined an existing Philips’ biplane system.

Superintendent radiographer Julie Kelsall has worked in the cath lab environment for over 30 years and said: “I selected these systems as I have always preferred Philips’ equipment.  The image quality is by far my favourite feature and, with the introduction of the new ClarityIQ, the radiation dose is almost halved, which is excellent for both patient and operator.

“I love the three biplane systems we have at Blackpool as they are very responsive, without frightening the patient, and are also very quiet.”

See the full report on page 36 of the January 2018 issue of RAD Magazine.

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