Changing needs of users met with CR upgrade

With Agfa HealthCare’s Ges Shilvock (left) are paediatric radiographer Donna Dimond and paediatric senior radiographer Mark Lucket.


Agfa HealthCare has upgraded its computed radiography equipment at Bristol Royal Hospital for Children (BRHC) with a CR solution comprising a DX-G and a DX-S digitiser. Both systems offer the potential for dose reduction.


BRHC is a dedicated paediatric hospital, undertaking complex procedures and offering specialist services.


Superintendent paediatric radiographer Donna Dimond said: “The DX-S provides immediate diagnostic visualisation of the imaging performed within the examination room, crucial in the management of trauma cases and suspected non-accidental injury patients.”


Over the next few years, the radiology team is looking forward to the centralisation of paediatric services, which will culminate in a rebuild of key radiological areas and the arrival of new equipment and specialities.


See this report on page 23 of the May 2011 issue of RAD Magazine.

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