Dedicated breast unit for Peterborough

Senior radiographer Julie Maltby checks over the new equipment with colleagues Michelle Harris and Rebecca Cobbett


A purpose-built breast unit opened in the new Peterborough City Hospital at the end of 2010.  It meant that, for the first time, all services provided by the breast care team were available in one dedicated unit.  The unit sees symptomatic referrals and provides the Peterborough NHS Breast Screening Programme.


For patients, the service represents a step change in their care with the self-contained unit, as well as the age extension to the NHS Breast Screening Programme which the team has now been able to implement.


A subsequent development has been the introduction of two linear accelerators providing on site radiotherapy, meaning reduced journeys for patients and their carers.


Breast services manager Barbara McCaffrey said: “The learning opportunities for the whole team are much better now. We operate a four tier structure which gives us all the scope for advanced practice.”


The imaging facilities throughout the unit are equipped with FFDM Senographe Essential units supplied by GE Healthcare in all three static rooms and the mobile unit.


See the full report on page 16 of the May 2011 issue of RAD Magazine.

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