Dutch hospitals choose Pukka-j image reporting

Specialist in nuclear medicine at Kennemer Gasthuis Dr A Zwijnenburg works with the Pukka-j Image Viewer.
Pukka-j has supplied its image viewing solution to two hospitals in the Netherlands. Spaarne Ziekenhuis, Hoofdorp and Kennemer Gasthuis, Haarlem, share nuclear medicine facilities comprising one PETCT system and three gamma cameras.
Presently, clinicians view images with Osirix software that works only with Apple Macintosh computers and they wanted a SPECT/CT, PETCT image viewing system for use at both hospital sites.
The Pukka-j image viewer is a customisable image reporting tool for displaying and reporting all diagnostic quality image data.
See the full report on page 16 of the October 2011 issue of RAD Magazine.