Welcoming the Somatom Emotion are (from left) CT/neuro superintendent radiographer Halina Szutowicz, Siemens project manager Paul Burgess, CT superintendent radiographer Barbara Housden and Siemens CT applications specialist Dan Gibbons.


Addenbrooke’s Hospital in Cambridge has added a Somatom Emotion to its CT department.  The 16-slice Emotion will handle much of the routine outpatients work, particularly oncology and general patient referrals.  This frees up the capacity of the other Siemens CT systems to deal with more specialist procedures.  Addenbrooke’s has also placed the first UK order of the next generation CT Somatom Definition Flash. 


“This latest installation enables us to manage targets set by the government, providing us with the capability to see 150 extra patients a week,” said superintendent radiographer Barbara Housden. 


The Emotion maintains a low dose through the Ultra Fast Ceramic (UFC) detector.  Its SureView concept, a dedicated spiral imaging reconstruction algorithm, aims to make challenging, high-quality long scans routine for example, high quality sub-mm lung scans in just one breath-hold. 


See the full report on page 10 of the December issue of RAD Magazine.

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