ExamCard network can save time and aid accuracy


From left are consultant radiologist Dr Alasdair McCafferty, specialist radiographer Sarah O’Hara, MR specialist radiographer Eleanor Smith, consultant radiologist Dr John Shand, MR superintendent radiographer David McCafferty, Philips sales specialist Douglas Cowie, Philips MR sales specialist Jenny Jeffries, sector superintendent radiographer Murray Crichton and Philips key account manager George O’Brian. 


When the New Stobhill Hospital opened its doors, patients were able to have an MRI scan locally for the first time.


The hospital is equipped with a Philips Achieva A Series 1.5T system with Scantools Premium software package and is able to provide the latest in MRI imaging technology, including a one-stop clinic for early detection of stroke patients.  


In addition, the Marie Curie Cancer Care Hospice on the Stobhill Campus will be able to utilise the services of the scanner.  


The Achieva will enable the hospital to introduce new scanning applications including diffusion sequences for pelvic imaging and total body imaging. 


See the full report on page 30 of the January 2010 issue of RAD Magazine.

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