Five new S2000s for Manchester

One of four Acuson S2000 ultrasound systems at Saint Mary’s Hospital.  From left are PFI equipment procurement Linda Bayliss, Siemens clinical applications specialist Nicola Towers, superintendent sonographer Lesley Lorimer, consultant radiologist Dr Sarah Russell, sonographer Bryn Sargent, Siemens ultrasound product manager Declan Dunphy and Siemens clinical applications specialist Rob Maxfield.


Central Manchester University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust has installed five ultrasound systems from Siemens Healthcare.  Saint Mary’s Hospital for Women and Children received four Acuson S2000 systems and the Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital has gained one. 


One of the Saint Mary’s units is situated in the fetal medicine unit to scan tertiary referrals for fetal abnormalities.  It has been equipped with the syngo Auto OB application for performing automatic biometric measurements, plus a spatio-temporal image correlation (STIC) application for assisting in the detection of fetal heart abnormalities. 


Staff are also using Siemens’ 9L4 linear transducer that is helpful in the assessment of the fetal brain, spine and abdomen.  The structures of the posterior fossa, the cranio-cervical junction and the periventricular region of the brain are said to give additional diagnostic information to the neurosonographer. 


See the full report on page 6 of the July 2010 issue of RAD Magazine.

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