From left are lead sonographer in general ultrasound Catherine Raeside, clinical specialists in ultrasound Mary Craggs and Penny McRoberts, Toshiba’s Alan Wright, clinical specialist in ultrasound Margaret Barlow, student sonographer Stacey McVie and clinical specialist in ultrasound Laura McGibbon. Reclining on the couch is student sonographer Barbara Montgomery.
Ayrshire and Arran Health Trust has purchased five Toshiba Aplio XG ultrasound systems for various hospital sites across Ayrshire to help accommodate the service expansion as a result of routine anomaly and nuchal translucency screening.
Margaret Mills, lead sonographer at Ayrshire Maternity Unit said: “Quality and reliability were key factors in our choice. We are also finding that the large flat screens are appreciated by the patients for viewing along with the sonographers.”
The Aplio XG provides a comprehensive array of technologies, including Differential Tissue Harmonic technology spatial resolution and contrast along with ApliPure for enhanced image smoothness. Both techniques can be combined with other image modes such as colour or spectral Doppler.
See this report on page 30 of the November 2009 issue of RAD Magazine.