Welcoming a Siemens Somatom Definition AS with syngo.via to Freeman Hospital are (on the couch) Siemens Healthcare CT business manager Russell Lodge and radiology manager Graeme Hughes with, behind them, CT superintendent radiographer Sharon Iles, Siemens northern sales manager Neil Lincoln, consultant radiologists Dr Michelle Muller and Dr Ivan Zammit-Maempel and senior CT radiographer Jenny Humphries.
Freeman Hospital, part of Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, has installed a Siemens Healthcare Somatom Definition AS CT with syngo.via to help increase flexibility and patient throughput.
The Trust has restructured its services and physical estate as part of ongoing modernisation and Freeman Hospital has expanded its CT portfolio with the installation of the Definition AS to enhance clinical services and patient experience.
As a tertiary referral site now housing the Northern Centre for Cancer Care, the Hospital is looking at new ways to use CT, increasing use of CT colonography, CT coronary angiography and interventional CT applications.
See the full report on page 21 of the October 2011 issue of RAD Magazine.