Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS FT install six Samsung x-ray rooms across five community sites

MIS x-ray room

Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust recently appointed MIS Healthcare to upgrade six x-ray rooms across five community hospitals. The sites were operating on old CR technology and the ageing equipment had become end of life. The new Samsung equipment will allow radiographers to be more flexible where they work due to the consistency of the equipment.

Michael Banks, head of Estates and Facilities Professional Services for Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS FT said: “The replacement of the old equipment with new technology went very smoothly and it has significantly improved patient outcomes and staff safety.

“The advanced features of the GC85 have allowed a much greater throughput of patients and the improved image quality and diagnostic processing is far superior than our previous systems. Our radiographers have reported that the system is much easier to use as it’s fully automated and therefore minimises the physical stress and risks of manual handling that we had with the older equipment. The user-friendly interface and wide variety of automated functions coupled with a new improved environment has really enhanced our ways of working, leading to improved patient pathways.”

Picture: MIS Healthcare account manager Liam Hamilton, head of Estates and Facilities Professional Services Michael Banks and senior radiographers Sue Ward and Anne O’Brien.

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