Handling the output from three CT scanners

PACS manager Adham Nicola (left) with x-ray superintendent radiographer Neil Barron.


The solution for North West London Hospitals was a Pukka-j image store system consisting of two separate CT image stores, one at Northwick Park Hospital and the other at Central Middlesex Hospital.  


Each is configured to act as a primary data repository for locally-acquired CT data and a secondary back-up store for CT data acquired by other hospitals in the trust.  


Pukka-j says it is a highly robust system with all data available on-line for accessing, from both sites, by the PACS manager and the radiologists. 


In addition, the CT stores are organised in such a way as to allow local radiologists quick access to their locally-acquired data. 


See the full report on page 35 of the July 2009 issue of RAD Magazine.

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