Jari Johnston-Allen from the American Cancer Society presents the prestigious award to Dr Rock Mackie and Dr Fred Robertson from TomoTherapy.
TomoTherapy Inc has been presented with the Corporate Distinguished Visionary Award by the American Cancer Society. This award is given to companies that have portrayed exemplary public service to the society and its efforts in the fight against cancer.
The concepts of TomoTherapy’s technology were developed in the early 1990s at the University of Wisconsin. A research group there recognised the inherent limitations of conventional radiation therapy machines to leverage computing, imaging and treatment delivery advances for improved sophistication in cancer care.
The research group, led by Thomas “Rock” Mackie and Paul Reckwerdt, set out to develop an integrated device for the delivery of CT image-guided, intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IG-IMRT).
“With ten installations in the UK, record breaking patient throughput figures and rapid times to install and commission, TomoTherapy is here to stay; it remains unrivalled in its ability to deliver the highest quality IG-IMRT available on any platform in the world today and we at OSL are very proud of our achievements in bringing Tomo to the UK,” said Julie Mead, clinical advisor at Oncology Systems Limited.
See the full report on the back page of the April 2011 issue of RAD Magazine.