Injury avoidance advice for UWE

Alexander Technique teacher Pat Young (far right) advises a course member.
UWE hosted a fourth workshop to explore methods to prevent and reduce the effects of work-related musculoskeletal disorders in sonographers.
Feedback from sonographers who previously attended the workshop had been so positive that the workshop was opened up this time to mammographers experiencing similar problems.
The session was introduced by Viv Gibbs and Jeanne Scolding with presentations from physiotherapist Carole Augousti on ergonomics and its application to the sonography profession, and from Simon Monnington from the Health and Safety Executive on the role of the HSE.
Dr Pat Young explained what the Alexander Technique involved, and how it can be used to prevent or reduce injury. Together with two colleagues, all qualified AT teachers, she gave individual tuition and guidance to the attendees.
Follow-up of the participants attending the workshops is being undertaken in order to establish the long-term benefits.
Lunch was sponsored by Toshiba.
See full report on page 35 of the September 2010 issue of RAD Magazine.