Jersey selects BridgeHead’s HealthStore to manage medical images

The Government of Jersey’s Health and Community Services (HCS) department, which provides healthcare for more than 100,000 Jersey residents, has contracted BridgeHead Software to implement HealthStore to consolidate all medical images in a central repository accessible by clinical and support staff.
BridgeHead’s enterprise imaging system will enable Jersey’s HCS to consolidate, store, protect and share medical images of all types and formats across clinical departments. This initiative feeds into the Government of Jersey’s aim to attain Electronic Medical Record Adoption Model (EMRAM) stage 7 from the Health- care Information and Management Society.
HealthStore will help overcome the issues that were being experienced by the HCS where images were stored on individual departmental systems that could be difficult to protect, manage and access. It will improve workflow efficiency and clinician productivity by streamlining access to, and sharing of, medical images across departments and with external healthcare organisations.
HCS digital health programme manager Paul Morris explained: “The HCS team identified a wide range of imaging information that needed to be brought together to provide a true 360-degree patient view. This included images and supporting data from radiology, cardiology, endoscopy, ophthalmology, dermatology, retinal screening, dental clinic, the diabetes centre; with integrations to our electronic patient record and electronic document management systems.
“We needed an imaging platform that offered a central repository where any image, regardless of the source application, could be stored in a standard format and made available to our healthcare professionals, all accessible using a simple and intuitive user interface.”
HealthStore manages both DICOM and non-DICOM data. Outside of its VNA functionality, it also offers the ability for healthcare providers to utilise data from other applications.
Picture: Medical images can be shared across departments via HealthStore.
See the full report on page 19 of the May 2023 issue of RAD Magazine.