Barnet Hospital staff with the Acuson S2000 ultrasound system. From left are senior ultrasonographer Reena Grewal, Kalpna Shah, consultant radiologist Dr Matthew Train, senior ultrasonographer Sacha Piek and superintendent ultrasonographer Karen Hammett.
Barnet Hospital has installed seven Acuson S2000 and two Acuson X300 PE ultrasound systems from Siemens Healthcare. They are sited in the early pregnancy unit, the antenatal clinic for obstetrics and gynaecological work and the main department for use in general medicine.
They were provided through the long-term Managed Equipment Service partnership in place at Barnet and Chase Farm Hospitals NHS Trust, which manages the Investment Plan associated with the periodic renewal of over 2,500 pieces of medical equipment until the year 2032. A Symbia S dual head gamma camera has also been installed as part of the equipment refresh cycle.
The Siemens MES offers financial planning and specialist help with selecting the systems to meet clinical need, enabling the hospital to remain focused on providing patient care.
The S2000 system is optimised for high-frequency imaging and delivers 2D, 3D, colour and pulse-wave Doppler and 4D images. It also includes knowledge-based workflow drawing on an expert database of real clinical cases to recognise anatomical patterns and perform automatic measurements to aid diagnosis, speed up examinations and help keep patient appointments on schedule.
See the full report on page 34 of the November 2009 issue of RAD Magazine.