Portland Hospital for Women and Children upgrades

At the Portland Hospital for Women and Children with an Acuson S2000 ultrasound system from Siemens Healthcare are imaging manager Lucy Hall, Siemens regional business manager for ultrasound Zaheer Ali, sonography and fetal medicine lead Dean Meredith, superintendent radiographer Sarah Ward, Siemens UK ultrasound business manager Sanjay Srivastava and radiography departmental assistant Agnieszka Stolarczyk.


The Portland Hospital for Women and Children is benefiting from increased image quality across multiple disciplines following the installation of an Acuson S2000 ultrasound system from Siemens Healthcare.  It will be used for general all-purpose scanning in obstetric, gynaecological, paediatric, breast and cardiac examinations.


The private hospital selected Siemens’ syngo Auto OB software application to automate fetal measurements and has taken delivery of a 18L6 high frequency, high density transducer.


“When it came to replacing our ultrasound equipment, image quality and ease of use were important factors in the decision making process,” said sonography and fetal medicine lead Dean Meredith. 


See the full report on page 7 of the November 2011 issue of RAD Magazine.




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