Portsmouth graduate part of winning team

Consultant orthopaedic surgeon Mr Nick Steele with radiotherapy services manager Keren Anstey, cancer re-design lead Karen Bentley-Hollins, team leader Joan Sweeney and radiographer Conor Fitzpatrick.
A University of Portsmouth radiography graduate has seen the subject of his dissertation on improving the quality of care for cancer patients put into practice and win national recognition.
Conor Fitzpatrick, who graduated in 2009, is part of a team of radiographers who have won the Society of Radiographers’ Radiography Team of the Year award for its services to patients suffering spinal cord compression as a result of malignant tumours.
Metastatic spinal cord compression is a condition affecting a small percentage of cancer patients but, if left untreated or if diagnosed too late, the results can lead to paralysis.
Team of the Year is a relatively new award by the SoR. Conor said: “It is an award that will allow us to highlight our work on a national scale. There is a lot of work still to be done, but it is an exciting process.”
See the full report on page 6 of the January 2011 issue of RAD Magazine.