Royal Glamorgan streamlines services with Aera

Staff at Royal Glamorgan Hospital welcoming the arrival of a Magnetom Aera 1.5T MRI system from Siemens Healthcare are senior radiographer Julia Prichard, senior radiographer Simon Povey, superintendent radiographer Sue Kingston, Siemens regional sales manager Darren Parker and senior radiographer Sarah Rees.


Royal Glamorgan Hospital, part of the Cwm Taf Health Board, has installed a Magnetom Aera 1.5T MRI system from Siemens Healthcare that was opened by Lesley Griffiths, Minister for Health and Social Services in the Welsh Assembly. 


It will be used for a wide range of examinations including whole body imaging, whole body diffusion weighted imaging, non-contrast angiography, enterography and breast biopsy. 


See the full report on page 41 of the December 2011 issue of RAD Magazine.

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