Spire goes in-house with CT and MR

Staff at the Spire Portsmouth Hospital with their new Magnetom Avanto MRI system.  From left to right ,radiographer Jan Maidment; consultant gynaecologist Dirk Brinkmann; business development manager Niki Keene; hospital director Heather Dob; consultant orthopaedic surgeon;Simon Hodkinson, and radiographer Elizabeth Ellis.


Spire Portsmouth Hospital has installed a Magnetom Avanto MRI and Somatom Definition AS CT scanner from Siemens Healthcare.


The new Avanto MRI will replace a visiting mobile unit.  Patients will now be scanned as part of an in-house MR service.


The Definition AS CT scanner will provide a dedicated service in a new on-site radiotherapy unit.


A full report will be published on page 13 of the January 2009 issue of RAD Magazine.

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