As the European healthcare sector navigates through clinical staff shortages, financial constraints, and capacity limitations, it is crucial to recognise the profound emotional impact this has on both the patient and their families.
Imagine the anxiety of waiting for a diagnosis, unsure of what the future holds. It’s a reality for far too many individuals, as they endure the emotional rollercoaster of uncertainty while navigating through the healthcare system. Each delay in diagnosis not only prolongs suffering but also diminishes the chances of a swift recovery. One of our team members felt the impact of this after an accident.
“I’ve experienced waiting seven hours for an emergency CT scan at a hospital in Austria after a severe skiing accident. The diagnosis revealed fractures in the sternum, two ribs, and cardiac hematoma. I recall the wait for the diagnosis as incredibly tough – many people have had similar experiences, either firsthand or as next of kin, and understand the emotional toll it takes.” – Rasmus Høj Jakobsen, key account manager, AGITO Medical.
Patients suffering from chronic pain or illness sometimes have to wait a lot longer for a scan, which is even worse under those circumstances.
Imaging rental solutions that fit your needs!
AGITO Medical tries to tackle these challenges head-on with flexible, cost-effective, and cutting-edge imaging rental solutions! It’s our commitment to ensure that our offerings are finely tuned to meet the unique needs of the markets we serve.
Whether you have a temporary increase in demand, ongoing construction or growing patient waiting list, AGITO Medical can provide you a rental solution; serving as a seamless extension of your existing services and day-to-day operations. That way, you can continue to provide your patients with the best possible treatment and service.
We have the expertise to offer technical assistance, site planning, application training and management of the entire project. In addition, all our rental solutions come with a full-service contract ensuring a carefree rental period with the full benefits of high-quality service agreements.
On our website, you can read much more about the solutions we offer and the services we provide.
This news story has been sponsored by the companies concerned and does not represent the views or opinions of RAD Magazine.