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QEHB adds immobilisation device

Pictured with IEL's Usman Younus (fourth from right) are members of the radiotherapy team Julie Kilkenny, Tina Hales, Hannah Augustus (behind), Jessica Ford, Sofia Parveen, Clare Holland, Emma Page, Sandip Sidhu, Ben Allen, Rasheeq Aziz and…

Transit dosimetry system

Back row from left are Volker Gruetzmann from Germany, CIVCO Europe's Joos Wisse, Rogério Rocha from Portugal, Math Resolutions' Peter Myshrall, Krzysztof Wozniak from Poland, OSL's Stuart Baldwin, CIVCO Europe's Patrick Hylkema, Western…

OSL gains two top awards

OSL managing director Carl Pavey pictured with the company's office and service team, holds up the CIVCO and TomoTherapy awards. Oncology Systems Limited, based in Shrewsbury, has gained two prestigious awards. While…

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