
Clatterbridge co-develops AI-based tool for specialist cervical cancer treatment

The Clatterbridge Cancer Centre in Liverpool has partnered with Canadian software company Limbus AI to trial and co-develop a commercial AI-based autocontouring tool for brachytherapy cervical cancer treatment. Brachytherapy involves placing an intense radiation source inside or in close contact with tumour cells. This makes it well suited to treating tumours in particular parts of the body such […]

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Paddington CDC opens to Liverpool patients

People in Liverpool will now benefit from faster access to tests and scans for a range of health conditions, with the opening of an NHS community diagnostic centre on the Paddington Village development in Edge Hill. The new CDC offers tests to people referred by health professionals to check for conditions including musculoskeletal problems, gastrointestinal […]

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Liverpool radiographers reap the rewards of RSNA

Radiographers Nicola Ragel, Conor Fagan, Rhian Chiocchi and Jac Lewis were able to attend the annual RSNA meeting in Chicago, due to sponsorship from Liverpool University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. The team reports that it was an incredible experience and, as radiographers, they found the trip extremely valuable. “Being able to see the direction of […]

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