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Morriston Hospital

Benefits of wide bore at Swansea

At Morriston Hospital are, from left, consultant radiologist Dr Vijay Sawlan, GE Healthcare MR specialist Sean Keefe, MR superintendent Gareth Evans, superintendent radiographer Jayne Slee and senior radiographer Barry Spedding.…

Essential systems

Dr Egeler with the SonoSite S-Nerve. SonoSite's MicroMaxx and S-Nerve hand-carried ultrasound systems have become essential tools for regional anaesthesia at Morriston Hospital in Swansea, especially in orthopaedic surgery where…

Stent deployment package helpful

Viewing Morriston's latest acquisition are (from left) consultant cardiologist Dr Geraint Jenkins, clinical nurse lead Melissa Madden, clinical physiologist Richard Walters, superintendent radiographer Chris Prytherch, consultant…

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