Three mobiles help radiologists navigate 53-acre Bath site

Specialist radiographer Luke Davy with one of a trio of new mobiles.

When the radiology team at Royal United Hospital, Bath, needed to replace its 20-year-old CR mobiles, it needed mobile x-ray systems that delivered excellent image quality, dose performance, easy user interface and value for money.  They also had to be reliable and robust enough to manage their 53-acre site.  With a site of this size the radiology team covers a lot of miles, and their solution was to order not one but three new Fujifilm FDR Go mobiles.

“The Fujifilm FDR Go mobiles were more robust, had better image manipulation functionality, were more compact and proved better value for money than any of the other options we considered,” said team leader, radiology governance lead, Sarah Bond.

“Our department still has a mix of CR and DR so user-friendliness was important to us, and the compact design is especially useful when manoevering around wards and patients.”

See the full report on page 9 of the July 2018 issue of RAD Magazine.

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