Pictured with an Artis zee are (from left) clinical director Dr Paul Taylor, Siemens regional sales manager John Brady, senior radiographer Anne Connelly, staff nurse Jackie Morrison and superintendent radiographer Angela Parkinson with senior radiographers Gill Hamlett, Karen Vickers and Ellie Jones.
Manchester Royal Infirmary, part of Central Manchester University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, has installed three Artis zee interventional angiography systems from Siemens Healthcare. Two systems are the Artis zee Multipurpose with flexible architecture for versatile applications and the third is the Artis zee Ceiling with large flat detector for flexible positioning around the patient.
The x-ray department’s Multipurpose is used for a variety of barium and other contrast studies, including hysterosalpingograms. The endoscopy unit uses its Artis zee Multipurpose for endoscopic retrograde cholangio-pancreatography (ERCP) and endoscopic interventional procedures of the upper gastrointestinal system.
All vascular diagnostic and interventional procedures are performed on the Artis zee Ceiling. The ceiling configuration is ideally suited for interventional procedures as it maximises the space available and provides ready access to the patient.
See the full report on page 26 of the March 2010 issue of RAD Magazine.