Transit dosimetry system


Back row from left are Volker Gruetzmann from Germany, CIVCO Europe’s Joos Wisse, Rogério Rocha from Portugal, Math Resolutions’ Peter Myshrall, Krzysztof Wozniak from Poland, OSL’s Stuart Baldwin, CIVCO Europe’s Patrick Hylkema, Western General Hospital’s Dr Andiappa Sankar, Uli Bormann from Germany, CIVCO Europe’s Eric Colla. Front Row, CIVCO Europe’s Heidi Dietmann, Western General Hospital’s Leila Nichol and CIVCO Europe’s Jeanine van den Haselkamp.


Dr Andiappa Sankar, head of radiotherapy physics dosimetry at Western General, Edinburgh, graduate trainee Leila Nichol and the physics team, have been testing a new physics device called Dosimetry Check, working closely with Oncology Systems Limited and manufacturers Math Resolutions LLC / CIVCO Inc,  Iowa.


Dosimetry Check uses electronic portal imagers, already inherent on linear accelerators, to check treatment plans both before and during treatment. Measuring a patient’s treatment during a fraction is Transit Dosimetry. Dr Sankar was keen to be involved with the gamma testing of Dosimetry Check and reports on what he believes are the system’s benefits.


See the full report on page 11 of the October 2010 issue of RAD Magazine.

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