CSC Specialised Vehicles of Hull is supplying a fleet of 10 mobile trailers to Breast Test Wales, all suitable for digital mammography equipment. In particular they are designed to meet DDA regulations to enable them to be accessed by all women, regardless of mobility levels.
Kath Pegington, radiography manager at Breast Test Wales, said: “Staff devised the layout ideas for the new vans and we have worked closely with design and production staff at CSC to make this a reality. The three trailers currently in service across the country have received positive feedback both from clients and staff.”
The steps of each trailer incorporate a lift with a platform, which at 1800mm x 1200mm is more than adequate to accommodate a wheelchair with a carer. Operated by a simple push-button, the lift’s steps automatically slide to one side with no dismantling required.
An interlock on the entrance door prevents anyone exiting when the lift is down and the platform has a hinged ramp on the front edge to cater for any unevenness on the ground.
CSC commercial manager Andy Lacy commented: “The lowering step platform conceived by Breast Test Wales represents a real breakthrough for clients who find steps difficult or are in a wheel chair.”
See the full report on page 2 of the December 2010 issue of RAD Magazine.