Toshiba Medical account manager Mark Foxall, consultant cardiologist Dr JP Carpenter, CT specialist radiographer Cliodhna Brennan, consultant radiologist Dr Angus Wood, deputy superintendent radiographer Katy Bysh, MRI superintendent radiographer Paul Culshaw, CT superintendent radiographer Amy Morris, CT specialist radiographer Maddy Broughton, consultant radiologists Dr Joseph Jacoby and Dr Andrew Leonard and Toshiba Medical CT specialist Andrew Watson.
Poole Hospital, Dorset, has installed an Aquilion One Genesis Edition CT system from Toshiba Medical.
Consultant cardiologist Dr JP Carpenter said: “We’ve been delighted with the new CT scanner. It just keeps on performing exceptional studies at the lowest conceivable doses, using much less contrast than before. Superb workflow and throughput, whisper-quiet and an overall better experience for patients and we love it.”
See the full report on page 5 of the December 2017 issue of RAD Magazine.