Robert Jones and Agnes Hunt Orthopaedic Hospital

Robert Jones and Agnes Hunt Orthopaedic Hospital (RJAH) NHS Foundation Trust, Oswestry, has acquired a Canon Medical Systems Aquilion One Genesis Edition CT scanner to replace a system that had reached the end of its useful life.

Consultant radiologist Dr Bernhard Tins said: “The system provides excellent image quality with high spatial resolution and proven dose savings. Its dual energy option allows us to assess cases of metabolic disease and the large 16cm wide diameter enables us to perform 3D dynamic joint imaging, aiding problem-solving in difficult orthopaedic cases. It has already proven excellent for interventional MSK work with the relatively large bore and lateral table movement. The detector allows us to image large areas in real-time while performing procedures, and intermittent screening can be performed with a large number of slice thickness combinations. The 3D features support needle paths outside the gantry plane.”

The system was supplied with technology including Dual Energy, CT fluoroscopy, Tech Assist Lateral Slide and Area Finder, plus SURE Subtraction ortho and lung software and 4D orthopaedic analysis package.

Dr Tins concluded: “The advanced technical features will support a number of research projects we have planned.  The procurement process, installation and apps training were supported throughout by the competent and helpful Canon team.”

Photo: Huw Jones of Canon Medical Systems, CT superintendent Valerie Jones, CT/MRI radiographer Gemma Jones, consultant radiologist Dr Bernhard Tins, CT/MRI radiographers Meg Evans and Jodie Rogers with diagnostics divisional manager Eric Hughes.

See the full report on page 3 of the April 2019 issue of RAD Magazine.

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