A state-of-the-art upgrade

From left (standing) cardiac physiologist Margaret Owens, consultant cardiologist Dr Andrew Bishop, cardiology associate specialist Dr Jason Glover, specialist cardiac nurse Sue Paterson, staff nurse Jennie Turner, Philips southern region general manager Ian Graves, superintendent radiographer Carol Walker, Philips imaging sales specialist Lisa Ruprecht, consultant cardiologist Dr Carl Brookes, Philips commercial manager Ben Huard, staff nurse Debbie Lusty and senior radiographer Andrea Harold. Lying on the couch is staff nurse Kemi Adegboyega and seated is staff nurse Annie Woods.
Basingstoke and North Hampshire NHS Foundation Trust has upgraded its cath lab to a state-of-the-art facility by installing Philips’ catalyst conversion programme.
Its eight-year-old Integris Allura was upgraded to an Allura Xper FD10 Release 7 system with the latest software and functionality, including the dual axis rotation acquisition, XperSwing.
The hospital uses the lab for all cardiac procedures and provides a 24/7 primary PCI service, enabling patients presenting with a myocardial infarct to be treated in the lab in less than ninety minutes from the acute episode.
Consultant cardiologist Dr Carl Brookes commented: “The upgrade will completely reset the life span of the system for another seven years.”
See the full report on the back page of the July 2010 issue of RAD Magazine.