Advanced radiotherapy planning masterclass

IMRT expert Professor Vincent Gregoire with NCCC consultant physicist Dr Judith Mott and OSL co-director Julie Mead.


The success of intensity modulated radiotherapy (IMRT), one of the most advanced new radiotherapy techniques, critically depends on the accuracy of delineation of the various different target volumes and surrounding organs at risk.


In January, a team of radiographers, clinicians and physicists at Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Northern Centre for Cancer Care organised a masterclass for radiotherapy professionals on patient volume delineation.


Participants were treated to presentations and live demonstrations by one of the world leaders in the field and past-president of ESTRO, Professor Vincent Gregoire from Brussels, followed by a hands-on contouring session under his expert guidance.


The masterclass was facilitated by the availability for the practical sessions of one of the radiotherapy’s leading virtual simulation tools, ProSoma, by technical sponsor Oncology Systems Limited who also provided essential technical expertise.


See the full report on page 26 of the March 2011 issue of RAD Magazine.

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