An Aquilion for Birmingham

From left are CT superintendent radiographer Jenn Dadds, CT lead radiographer for HoEFT Eunan McGlynn, consultant radiologist Dr Shahid Hussain, clinical director Dr Lowri Morus and deputy directorate manager Mrs Marie Peplow. On the right are Toshiba md Dr Matthew Stork, consultant radiologist Dr Ed Hoey, Toshiba account executive David Billington and consultant radiologist Dr Madava Djearaman.


The Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust, of which Birmingham Heartlands Hospital forms the largest part, held an official opening of the new Toshiba Aquilion ONE CT scanner suite.  The suite forms the centrepiece of a completely redesigned CT scanning department.


The opening ceremony was attended by trust governors and other local dignitaries, who heard presentations from Dr Lowri Morus, clinical director of radiology, Dr Madava Djearaman, consultant cardiothoracic radiologist, and Dr Ed Hoey and Dr Shahid Hussain, consultant radiologists at Birmingham Heartlands Hospital.  Matthew Stork, managing director of Toshiba Medical Systems UK, also spoke.


Toshiba md Matthew Stork commented: “With its ability to perform comprehensive examinations, including functional studies, the Aquilion ONE reduces the need for multiple tests and invasive procedures.”


See the full report on page 17 of the January 2011 issue of RAD Magazine.

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