Toshiba account executive Colin Pellow with paramedical services manager Carl Smith, cross sectional lead radiographer Angela Birbeck, CT radiographer Mohammed Mahmoodi and MRI radiographer Charles Fapphunda.


A Toshiba Aquilion 64 CT scanner system is now up and running at the Spire Roding Hospital in Redbridge, East London as part of a £4.6m ongoing investment programme.


Featuring multi-detector CT technologies and a 64-row Quantum detector, it enables high-speed, high-resolution imaging with the lowest noise and superior anatomical coverage.  The system is able to acquire 64 simultaneous slices of 0.5 mm with each 400-millisecond gantry revolution, resulting in precise isotropic imaging of any region of the body during a breath-hold of less than ten seconds.


See the full report on page 7 of the March 2011 issue of RAD Magazine.

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