Ayrshire maternity unit moves towards Toshiba

At Ayrshire maternity unit are consultant sonographer Jacqueline Webb and Toshiba Medical Systems applications specialist Tracey Bellas with lead sonographer Catherine Raeside in the foreground.
Ayrshire maternity unit, located at Crosshouse Hospital Kilmarnock, has purchased a Toshiba Aplio XG ultrasound system. The hospital is part of the Ayrshire and Arran Health Trust, which covers a large area including several far-flung rural locations.
Aplio XG ultrasound systems are currently in use in East Ayrshire Community Hospital, Ayrshire Central Hospital, The Ayr Hospital and Crosshouse Hospital, with a total of 19 Toshiba ultrasound scanners in use throughout the trust.
Technical manager Bill Brash from Crosshouse Hospital area medical physics department said: “We have been moving towards Toshiba as our main supplier for ultrasound as we find the systems very reliable and we also receive excellent back-up from the company.”
See the full report on page 40 of the December 2011 issue of RAD Magazine.