From left are Dr Sudheer Vinnamela, colorectal consultant Mr Dominic Browse, Philips Healthcare product specialist Simon Bunce, executive lead director Sue Moore, endoscopy nurse Mandy Harrison, consultant gastroenterologist Dr Monzur Ahmed, endoscopy manager Nikki Jennings and radiographer Kirsty Edwards.
Good Hope Hospital, Birmingham, has acquired a Philips BV Pulsera C-arm system that will be used solely for ERCPs in a dedicated room, so that all endoscopy studies can be carried out in one place.
Consultant gastroenterologist Dr Monzur Ahmed said: “The BV Pulsera offers very good image quality and is on a par with the fixed room downstairs. It’s 12″ system allows good coverage of the biliary tree and has great magnification capabilities. The lower radiation doses offered are a huge improvement and great for our patients.”
See the full report on page 27 of the October 2013 issue of RAD Magazine.