In the back row (from left) are Royal Wolverhampton Hospitals NHS Trust consultant radiologist Rochard Fitzgerald, honorary contract professor of radiology at Addenbrooke’s Hospital and Cambridge University Adrian Dixon and medical physicist at Addenbrooke’s Hospital Martin Graves. In front are lead radiology nurse at Princess Alexandra Hospitaal Elaine Wright, medical physicist Karen Goldstone and consultant radiologist Teik Choon See from Addenbrooke’s Hospital and consultant radiologist Sarita Rao from Ipswich Hospital.
The British Institute of Radiology East of England branch held its inaugural full-day event on October 2 in the Clinical School at Addenbrooke’s Hospital, Cambridge.
Theme of the day was ‘Radiology and the NHS’ and it received overwhelming response with more than 90 imaging professionals from across the eastern region and beyond.
The programme was highly relevant, with talks related to imaging and the NHS including NICE, Imaging implementation, Error in radiology, Towards the best NHS services and Education & Professionalism.
See the full report on page 9 of the December 2010 issue of RAD Magazine.