Blackpool to use guide facility during EVAR procedures

In front of the couch on the right are superintendent radiographer (retired) Kath Hughes, specialist GI radiographers Heather Sloan and Elaine Scarles and radiology staff nurse Natalie Turnock.  From left are senior radiographers Fiona Baxter and Gail Miller, superintendent radiographer (retired) Kim Brute, radiology clinical director Dr Roger Bury, radiology clinical manager Lesley Stanney, Philips Healthcare account manager Steve Oliver, modality sales specialist Simon Wilsdon,  senior radiographer Helen Leach, Philips contracts manager Helena Wilkes, senior radiographer Chris Jackson and consultant radiologist Dr Paul Billington.

Blackpool Victoria Hospital has received an AlluraClarity FD20 cardiovascular system from Philips Healthcare equipped with CT Xper guide biopsy capability.

Senior radiographer Fiona Baxter said: “We are a district general hospital with a large population, including a high proportion of visitors to the area.  We have had Philips equipment in the past and always found it simple to use.  Further factors that influenced our decision included the CT Xper biopsy capability and the large monitor to aid visualisation of images, along with the low dose technology.

“We have had an EVAR vascular surgery programme running for seven years, and now plan to use the CT Xper guide facility during EVAR procedures.”

See the full report on page 28 of the October 2015 issue of RAD Magazine.

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