At the City of London Medical Centre are manager Karen Longman, Philips key account manager Amanda Barlow, customer support engineer Jamie Bryson and project manager Mark Howroyd with superintendent radiographer Tracey Sheard and senior radiographer Colleen Murphy.
The City of London Medical Centre is the first centre in the UK to opt for the new Philips MR conversion programme. The centre had a Philips Intera system that has now been completely replaced with the Achieva 1.5T system, but using the magnet from the Intera. Conversion is said to save on building work costs, disruption and downtime and brings the customer the Achieva’s platform as well as the PowerSave capability that can save up to 50 per cent on operational energy consumption. It also includes new Pulsar gradients, SmartExam Brain, Cardiac Specialist and a selection of Sense coils.
Superintendent radiographer Tracey Sheard said: “We are very happy with the system. Philips overcame a number of unforeseen obstacles during the project but still delivered on time and with great results.”
See the full report on page 12 of the April 2012 issue of RAD Magazine.