Digital upgrade at Salisbury

With a Luminos dRF are Siemens regional sales manager Jane Schwieso, superintendent radiographer Miles Woodford, radiographer Stephen Hook and Siemens regional project manager Steve Mingaye.
Salisbury District Hospital, which is managed by Salisbury NHS Foundation Trust, has enhanced its radiography service with the upgrade to a Luminos dRF two-in-one fluoroscopy and radiography digital imaging system from Siemens Healthcare. It was selected to cope with an increase in bariatric patients and spinal injuries.
Featuring a new Ysio general imaging extension, the dRF enables digital imaging with a wireless portable detector plus projection flexibility with the ceiling-suspended tube and a wall stand for performing erect examinations.
Salisbury’s system is being used for general requirements, including video-urodynamic scans and diaphragmatic screening.
See the full report on page 44 of the November 2010 issue of RAD Magazine.