Staff from the Queen Alexandra Hospital x-ray department with an Ysio wi-D DR system are (from left), front row: superintendent radiographer Janine Hatch, senior radiographer Christine Evershed and radiographer Katrina Coward.  Back row: Siemens AX product specialist Jo McAuliffe, senior radiographers Lynda Cochrane and Colin Longbottom, Siemens regional sales manager Jane Schwieso and PFI project leader Gillian Simmons.


Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust has installed a total of 10 Ysio wi-D digital radiography systems from Siemens Healthcare. 


Queen Alexandra Hospital will support in- and outpatient, adult, paediatric and emergency imaging needs with eight DR systems.  Nearby St Mary’s Hospital has installed one Ysio for general imaging and Hampshire Community Health Care’s Gosport War Memorial Hospital has also installed a system for community-based imaging.


Already, the speed of digital image delivery has reduced patient examination times from 12 to seven minutes, helping the busy Queen Alexandra Hospital to see more patients during the day.


See the full report on page 10 of the April issue of RAD Magazine.

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