DRX retrofit makes life easier

Pictured at Royal Sussex County Hospital, back row from left, are clinical modality manager Eoin O’Flynn, Carestream Health key account manager Tim Kilby and radiographer Chris Heape. In the front row are happy radiographers Donna Hall, Sophie English and Kayleigh Nash.
The imaging and nuclear medicine department of the Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust has installed a range of Carestream DRX-1 retrofit DR solutions, with a total of seven detectors located across three sites.
The Royal Sussex County Hospital has added two Carestream DRX-1 DR solutions to existing x-ray rooms, the radiology department at Princess Royal Hospital in Haywards Heath has installed a DRX-1 in its x-ray room and a DRX-1 mobile kit on a mobile x-ray unit, while Hove polyclinic radiology department have installed two DRX-1s in its x-ray rooms.
See the full report on the back page of the September 2011 issue of RAD Magazine.