In the back row are consultant radiologist Dr P Hrobar, radiology specialty team lead Dr D Hill, consultant radiologist Dr F Haque and Dr J Zizka, with Simon Wilsdon and Douglas Cowie of Philips. Front row: specialist radiographer Christine West, radiology staff nurse Sue Kennedy, cardiac specialist nurse Joanna Toohey, specialist radiographer Kerri Burnie and specialist cardio-respiratory physiologist Rachael Nicholson.
After more than 10 years of service, Dumfries and Galloway Royal Infirmary has replaced its Philips V3000 vascular system with an Allura Xper FD20 mixed cardiac and vascular system, and is set to become a Philips UK reference site for the new equipment.
The radiology department has just completed an extensive refurbishment and modernisation over three phases, with all the equipment being updated.
Specialist radiographer Christine West reports: “With the new system we are finding that examinations are now more rapid, more thorough and conducted with a higher image quality than was previously possible.
“Discrete lesions, previously difficult to identify, are now easily visible to all working within the Cath Lab. In addition, the department will be able to conduct 3D RA studies to visualise previously unseen structures and Xper guide biopsy procedures, with real-time needle visualisation.”
See the full report on page 7 of the October 2009 edition of RAD Magazine.