Everything MRI – Forum 2023 – Save the date: November 21, 5pm GMT.

Everything MRI course

In an era when medical technology is advancing at an unprecedented pace, it’s crucial that healthcare professionals stay ahead of the curve to ensure the safety of both patients and staff. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has become an indispensable tool in modern medicine, but with its benefits come potential risks. Recognising the need for a comprehensive approach to MRI safety, Everything MRI is proud to announce the Everything MRI – Forum 2023, a groundbreaking virtual event that aims to address these concerns and foster collaboration within the MRI community.

Hosted by Everything MRI, this online, live and free event is a testament to the company’s commitment to breaking down barriers in MRI education. The rationale behind this initiative is clear: traditional MRI courses can be expensive, and not everyone has the financial means or employer sponsorship to attend. Moreover, the constraints of understaffed departments often prevent multiple team members from participating in training, creating an imbalance in knowledge and skills. The Everything MRI – Forum 2023, seeks to level the playing field, providing a platform for MRI professionals to access high-quality education at no cost, live and on demand.

MRI safety and innovations have been gaining traction not only within the MRI community but also in the broader medical field. Recognising this shift, Everything MRI has collaborated with Guerbet to make this event a reality. Guerbet, a leader in the medical imaging space, is fully sponsoring the event, providing the necessary software and platform for the online, live webinar. This partnership ensures the seamless execution of the forum, setting the stage for meaningful discussions and insights.

The technical details of the event have been carefully planned to maximize its attendance and impact in the overall MRI community across the world, and it will take place on November 21, 2023 at 5pm London, UK time.

The forum will be chaired by Everything MRI’s own team, with several 15 minute presentations followed by an engaging round table discussion of key MRI safety and innovations topics.

At Everything MRI, we follow Bukowski’s maxim “if you’re going to do it, do it all the way”, and assembled the most prestigious and well-known line of presenters. We are proud to announce that we will be having insightful presentations from world-renowned MRI experts. We will be releasing their names and selected topics in the upcoming weeks. Keep an eye on Everything MRI’s LinkedIn page for more information.

One unique feature of the Everything MRI – Forum 2023 is its interactive nature. Attendees will have the opportunity to suggest discussion topics and questions in advance, and during the event, fostering a dynamic exchange of ideas. The event will be open to all, with registration through the dedicated channels that you can find on our website everythingmri.com and our LinkedIn page. Furthermore, a recording of the event will be made available on both Everything MRI and Guerbet’s websites, ensuring that the knowledge shared reaches as many individuals as possible around the world, for as long as possible.

Additionally, Everything MRI secured endorsements from SoR and BAMRR, and attendees will receive certificates of attendance for their own CPD portfolios.

In a forward-looking gesture, Everything MRI and Guerbet engaged on an annual partnership to host this forum, aiming to establish it as a recurring event on the medical imaging calendar.

We believe that the Everything MRI – Forum 2023 is a significant step towards enhancing MRI safety education, fostering collaboration, and promoting unity within the medical community. We invite you to join us on this exciting journey as we strive to make MRI safety and innovations a top priority worldwide.

“Thank you for exploring the world of MRI with us,” Samuel Oliveira, founder and ceo of Everything MRI.

This news story has been sponsored by the companies concerned and does not represent the views or opinions of RAD Magazine.

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