With the certificate from UKAS are, from left, Society and College of Radiographers chief executive Richard Evans, RCR president Dr Jane Barrett, Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children NHS Trust chief executive Dr Jane Collins, Great Ormond Street Hospital consultant paediatric radiologist Dr Melanie Hiorns and UKAS chief executive Paul Stennett.
The Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children NHS Trust has become the first specialist NHS diagnostic imaging service provider to be accredited by UKAS to the Imaging Services Accreditation Scheme Standard.
UKAS chief executive Paul Stennett presented the trust’s chief executive Dr Jane Collins with the certificate and said: “In gaining this tremendous achievement Great Ormond Street Hospital has demonstrated that it delivers on its core values to be world class, pioneering and working in partnership for the benefit of children in the UK and worldwide.
“As a parent, I feel that children and their parents and carers would be reassured that the hospital volunteered to be an early adopter site and has been successful in achieving accreditation.”
Dr Collins said: “This is a great achievement for the imaging team who worked extremely hard to achieve it. I was personally impressed by the thoroughness and rigor of the assessment process and also the emphasis on ensuring that we were truly patient-focused. I know that it has really made us refocus on the patient experience and to see our service through new eyes.”
See the full report on page 3 of the June 2011 issue of RAD Magazine.