Greater reliability increases radiology workflow


Celebrating the arrival of a replacement Philips Allura Xper FD20 at King’s Mill Hospital, Nottinghamshire, are, from left, chief executive Carolyn White, consultant radiologist Dr Philip Panto, senior radiographer Sharon Hawkins, consultant radiologist Dr Chris Squirrell, deputy radiography services manager Sarah Sentance, lead radiology nurse Marie Gamble, radiology nurse Linda Kimberley, senior radiographer Melissa Smith,  radiography services manager Jayne Burkitt, divisional director for clinical support services Sue Bottomley, senior radiographer Gillian Asher, superintendent radiographer Carl Miller and consultant vascular surgeon (retired) Mr Barry Fairbrother.


King’s Mill Hospital, part of Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, has replaced an aged angio system with a Philips Allura Xper FD20 interventional radiology system.


Deputy radiography services manager Sarah Sentence said: “We selected Philips equipment based on past experience.  We have been very happy with the maintenance and service support and the software and platforms are familiar to our staff, reducing training time.  


“We have found that our workflow is more efficient due to increased reliability and the excellent image quality leads to improved diagnosis.”   


See the full report on page 18 of the June 2011 issue of RAD Magazine.

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