At Nevill Hall (from left) are sonographers Ceri Burrows and Tracey Mitchell, ultrasound services manager Kay James, helpers Karen Copestick and Cheryl Boulter, clerk Leanne Winston, Toshiba applications specialist Erica Oliver, ultrasound sales specialist Tim Palarm and helper Lisa Thomas.
Gwent Healthcare NHS Trust has purchased Toshiba ultrasound equipment for two of its hospitals. Nevill Hall Hospital, Abergavenny, is using an Aplio XG for general radiology, including breast imaging, and Royal Gwent in Newport also has an Aplio XG for its one-stop breast clinic.
Ultrasound services manager Kay James said: “The new flat scan Aplio XG has been a welcome addition to Nevill Hall. It has also improved diagnostic capabilities at the Royal Gwent.”
See the full report on page 6 of the April 2009 issue of RAD Magazine.